Sharing Faith Stories in SE Minnesota

February 14, 2009

Another Season

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 1:50 am

Wow, it has been a long time since I’ve been to posting anything on this site.  Almost as long as I’ve put anything in my journal.  It’s kind of sad in a way…we’ve been so busy that sitting down at night to write anything seems like a luxury.

I would like to start by saying that to anyone who is fearing for their job, has recently lost a job or has a spouse in either of those boats…I empathize with you.  I know what it’s like to be a statistic.  Those folks in the news report on people like you and me and our families but it is surely another side of things when we become part of the story.

I was recently asked by a “laid off” friend, “What now?”  I told her, “First and foremost, I will be praying for you.”  And I am.  But that is just the beginning.  How do we support our neighbors who need us?  How do we do more than just tell them something nice?  Do what you say you’re going to do; truely pray for them.  Next, step up to the plate.  How can you, your family, your church, your neighborhood, etc… be a support system for someone who is facing financial uncertainty?  That’s a tough one.  People have pride and think they don’t “need” help.  Let me tell you…take the blessings others intend for you.  By letting your pride tell someone ‘no thank you, we’re fine’…blessings aren’t allowed to flow as they are intended.

I could sit and write about how difficult change is and how necessary it is…but I won’t.  I just want to say that God is still on the throne no matter what our circumstances.  He doesn’t falter, ever.  He doesn’t make mistakes and it is through change that we are “refined”.  He is making a masterpiece in each of us.  If we can step back for a moment from our own circumstance then maybe, just maybe we can see that He’s at work and not the puppet master of let downs we sometimes make Him out to be.

If there are specific comments I can respond to, I’d love to hear from you!


February 13, 2009

It has been a journey…We need to catch up

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 5:59 am

After a long break from posting, I still see people wanting to know what is the latest…well…give us time…BIG changes have happened and are still coming!  Thanks for your prayers and support!!  Until I give more 411,  go to as well as a church we are helping to start

Ken Q

November 2, 2008

Fireproof Series Begins Sunday!

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 2:53 am

I had no time at all to write today.   I got wrapped up in yardwork and doing errands.  Got home late tonight from grocery shopping, so I at least wanted to mention what fun event is coming up!  As I mentioned in a previous post, Shaun and Amy Gustafson are starting up a new church in Rochester, MN.  They are starting off a five part series to firepoof your marriage and family relationships.  Below is some information off their website.  Click the banner for more.  We hope to see you there! 

Financial pressures, the stress of parenting, differences between men and women, boredom, temptations—they can all scorch a relationship. The fires will come—will your marriage last? Come to visit us this week, as we start a series called Fireproof Your Marriage. The God who designed marriage intended for it to be a loving, lifelong partnership. Join us as we discuss His plan for indestructible relationships. You’ll find practical insights for building an enduring, red-hot marriage! 





November 1, 2008

Thanking the Lord for a Close Friend

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 5:01 am

Hello to everyone logging on…I plan to write more Saturday after raking 2 tons of leaves off our yard.  I love fall, but not all the work, between raking, mowing, fertilizing, pulling out the dead plants, raking etc.  Until then I want to share with you a video I put together for my friend and our Pastor, Steve Kuno.  In all honesty, I have waited and prayed for a very close friend for a long time since moving here 9 years ago.  Friends have come and gone over the years, but any real close connections were never made for a long duration.  Well, the Lord has brought not only a pastor but a true friend to me, finally.  I can’t tell you enough over the past four months, or so, how Steve and his wife, Lynette have helped guide us so that we are now able to call them “family”.  Steve has grown to become my best friend.  He is someone I can spiritually share things with and I am able to feel comfortable sharing guy issues with and we can just have fun together joking around.  He accepts me for who I am, my good stuff or my failings.  I used to think Sundays were all about football and pizza, but I have come to know that there is so much more I missed out on.  I thank the Lord for Steve and Lynette.  This was made for you and our church.  Thanks, Steve…In such a short time, I am able to truly call you a brother and a friend in Christ, as well as other new friendships that are growing in church.



October 25, 2008

My Favorite Song for the Lord

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 5:17 am

My one year anniversary is coming up soon when I got saved (November 21, 2007).  Needless to say I am so excited!  Back to the headline…In all honesty, I still listen to some of the music I grew up with, but, I continue to grow more with listening to praise and worship music.  Thanks to Pastor Steve Kuno and his wife Lynette, they gave us a great CD to listen to. This featured song has become my new anthem for Christ.  When I am out doing sales calls for Heartland Tours and Travel , or wherever, I have this turned up to 10 on my CD player in the car.  I told Steve the other day, people who see me think I must be a crazy driver.  One hand on the wheel, the other in the air to Christ 🙂    Take a listen…this song will get you pumped up for Christ.  Thanks to all of you for reading this site and praying for us!

“Let darkness tremble at Your name”



October 24, 2008

A New Church is Coming to Our Area!

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 4:40 am

We are excited to welcome back two familiar faces to southeast Minnesota!  Pastor Shaun and Amy Gustafson.  Take a look at the website for more information.  Drop them a line and say hello!  Be a part of the “Fireproof” series. Everyone is welcome! Blessings to your new ministry in our area!



October 23, 2008

The Tide Has Turned

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 4:21 am

A new wave has surfaced.  We continue to learn the differences between sympathy and empathy.

Sympathy allows you the ability to feel badly for one’s situation.

Empathy allows you the ability to know what it’s like to walk in someone’s shoes.

For years, I have reported on the good, the bad and the REALLY ugly.  From death, destruction and loss… I have been the deliverer of news.  I have reported on accidents.  I have muddled through scripts of children dying under horrible circumstances.  I have reported on ugly politics and I have delivered nightly news stories on the unemployment rate.

There are valleys and there are depths of a valley that some people find themselves walking through or paralyzed in.  Ken and I recently went through a valley.  Both of us being “phased out” of a ministry due to tough economic times is a nice way of putting it.  Bottom line; both heads of a household with children, a mortgage, numerous bills and car payments without any income can be a scary place to be.  Instead of being the face and voice of a news story, telling people of how tough times are without having to walk that uncertain road is one thing.  Being one of “them” is completely different.

I praise God for that.  Why?  God doesn’t make bad things happen.  Bad things happen and sometimes, like it or not, He allows us to go through it.  How many times have you heard that God works best when we are at our weakest?  Brothers and sisters in Christ…it is so true!  My faith was tested.  Being the financial “bread winner” in our household for all of our married life, I was without a paycheck.  I was without the “identity” that, I thought, God had given me.  Let me tell you something…God WILL NOT be kept in your comfy, convenient box and stay there for long.

I will hold close to my heart, for the rest of my life, the conversation/interview I had with a woman whose story I have not yet been blessed to tell.  She lifted her lifeless, 10 year old daughter’s body out of an upside down van after a horrific accident.  She carried that precious little girl to the side of the road and wept while waiting for paramedics.  She grieves every single moment of every day over her loss and as I write this I am saddened and sickened over her “valley”.  Yet, she speaks of her love for God and her faith, although shakened and weak many days, her faith remains in tact.  HOW CAN THAT BE?  Only she and God will eventually come to terms with.

Here’s my point; what satan intends for evil, God can use for good.  I don’t know what good can come out of such tragic circumstances and I am certainly not comparing my valley with the loss of a child.  I am, however, saying that God is a good and merciful God.  Wherever we find ourselves in life, we can either blame Him or cling to Him and His promises.  We can also fall somewhere in between, which is where I was.  I didn’t blame Him but it took me a while to stop feeling sorry for myself and my family’s circumstances to let Him do what He intended to do all along, glorify Him in ALL circumstances.

What did He do during this time?  LET ME TELL YOU!  He gave us amazing support through friends and family.  He gave us incredible counsel through Godly instructors.  He blessed our finances through people we never would have imagined.  He gave us calm during a storm that only He can give.  He blessed our marriage through this time and He blessed our children

The Bible tells us to surround ourselves with Godly people (Proverbs 13; 20), those who will give us the instruction we need at the time we need it and that’s what He gave to Ken and me as a beautiful gift .  Not only for a time such as this but for a time that He has ordained.

Please remember this: God loves you through it all and is there to walk with you or carry you, if need be.  Be faithful to Him as He is ALWAYS faithful to you.

Blessing to you, my friend!  Betsy Singer Quattrin

News Coming Soon!

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 3:06 am

After some much needed time off, we are ready to share with you some amazing stories on how the Lord has helped us through our transition.  It should be very inspiring to all of you.  In the mean time take a listen to this!

September 4, 2008

Will Faith-Stories Come Back???

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 4:12 am

Sorry we haven’t written in awhile, but we have been very busy scrambling around looking for new jobs and trying to balance daycare for our children.  I want to quickly get into what this post is called.  We have had many, many inquires about whether faith-stories will come back.  We have had many contacts from churches asking how they can help and how faith-stories was a great way to spread His word.  As we wrote before, some churches were using those stories as teaching tools.  Right now, my one word is “pray” for it to come back.  I think the Lord maybe opening a door to keep this ministry going.  We have had some offers for financial assistance, as well as offerings for gear, ie. camera, editing software, etc.  Many of you know both of our hearts are very attached to this ministry.  The reality is…..The Lord will provide!  Again, we wait in prayer for the door to open.  That’s the latest.  Thanks to all of you for praying for us and our family!!!! If you still want to see some of His amazing stories go to



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August 25, 2008

Local Story on the Ending of Ministry

Filed under: Uncategorized — faithstorieskfsi @ 9:58 pm

I would like to thank Jeff Kiger for his story in the Rochester Post-Bulletin.  As always, he did a great job and was very fair to all parties involved.  One small thing in the headline…we didn’t “fold” the ministry.  Pastor Ray Logan and his son Paul who run Faith Sound Incorporated did.  Click here for a Cliff’s Notes on our departure.  Anyway, I continue to say the Lord will provide what we need and something will pop up for the both of us.  Our family is surrounded by some of the most amazing people, whether for spiritual guidance or to just bend an ear and we give a big thanks to them.  The Lord has closed this door and we can’t wait to see what doors will soon open. I have been reminded quite a few times of this verse…..

Jeremiah 29:11 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Peace…We will stand “Together as One”…this is from Michael Sweet from Stryper….


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